Winterpick Boarding Cattery

  • Church Lane Plummers Plain Horsham West Sussex RH13 6LU

Get in touch

Samuel Christian

Owner/Manager Winterpick Cattery

07799 074 712

Opening Hours

  • 8am - 10am 4pm - 6pm
  • 10am - 12 noon
By special arrangement only.

Please contact us in advance.

Introducing our new luxury chalet

We at the cattery are proud to unveil our brand new luxury chalet, with space for up to 3-4 cats from the same home without having to split them between chalets.

Your cats can stretch out and enjoy the extra space and comfort it offers. We have included a dividing door to the neighbouring chalet though for those family members who prefer their privacy.

Please click here for pictures of the new chalet.

Call Back Form

If you would like us to call you back please complete the form below, and we will normally get back to you within 2 working days.

    Name (required)

    Tel No (required)

    Your Email

    Please let us know a convenient time to call


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